Finding Wellness
The wellness space is cluttered with gurus who swear they have the best solution but the truth is only YOU know what works best for you and your body, mind and spirit. We've been conditioned to think of health as thinness or the absence of illness. But we need to start thinking more holistically beyond just what our body looks and feels like. My goal is to help you look at your whole life: your career, your spirituality, your mental health, your environement, etc. to see how you can support your overall health and wellbeing. Get curious, listen to your body, and start making small shifts today that will have a big impact tomorrow! You are worth the time, money, energy and effort required to live a full, complete, happy and healthy life!
170 episodes
170. Are your hormones the problem?
Brain fog, fatigue, weight gain, weight loss resistance, irregular or painful periods, depression, anxiety, infertility, all point to some sort of hormone imbalance. So the short answer is YES, your hormones are likely to blame for your symptom...

169. The problem with "listening to your body"
"Listen to your body"...that's such common advice especially when it comes to exercise. But sometimes you really do have to put on your "big girl pants" and do the damn thing. Today we're talking about the nuance of this advice and when you mig...

168. DEKA World Championship Recap
The full recap of my experience at the DEKA World Championship 2024! The good, the bad, the ugly. Needless to say I'm forever grateful for this experience, especially that I got to share it with my daughter. This is a potential once in a lifeti...

167. Road to DEKA World Championship Part 2
DEKA World Championships was over a month ago and I'm finally getting around to uploading my thoughts. In this episode I talk about managing my schedule with the demands of training, how I'm fueling for competition, what I'm nervous about and s...

166. Road to DEKA World Championship
I can't believe I freaking qualified for the DEKA World Championship on TWO different teams! I'll be competing in the DEKA Strong teams event with my daughter and with another trainer and good friend of mine. Today I'm sharing some...

165. Stop letting your excuses hold you back!
Do you have excuses or do you have legitamate obstacles you need to learn how to navigate? You're not lazy. You're just a real life adult with real life responsibilities that you might need to learn how to work around. The "no excuse" mindset m...

164. Hot take on "healthy swap" recipes
Here's a hot take for you as we head into the holiday season...That healthy swap recipe you found online is never going to scratch the itch. I mean it's never going to ACTUALLY replace the REAL thing. Don't fall into the trap of having a "healt...

163: THIS is why I want you to take the focus off of losing weight
If losing weight is important to you, it's important to me too. But if losing weight is ALL that's important to you, you're missing the point and you're likely making your journey more difficult than it needs to be. In today's episode, Megan sh...
Episode 163

162. What to do when you don't hit your goal
So many of us create goals so we have something to go after. However, the goals we set are not always realistic and reasonable so we miss them completely. Next we get frustrated with our progress, or lack of progress, and we make an emotional d...

161. Back to school and avoiding the end of year downward health spiral
It's back to school season and that can only mean one thing...Next thing you know, we'll be ringing in the new year. I know it feels SO FAR away right now but so many of us tend to let our health slide these last few months of the year an...

160. Dinner strike and other strategies that supported me through a busy season
Coming up on a busy season? (Let's face it, EVERY season feels like a busy season!) This week I'm sharing 3 strategies that supported me through a busy season with work, school, and sports schedules all changing. Connect with Megan:<...

159. Life Update: Spring Schedules, Body Image, Family Bulk, and Gluten Free living
It's been a while! This week we're catching up and talking about all the things: Surviving the spring sports season, body image, family bulk and gluten free living. Connect with Megan:Connect with Megan on

158. Life Update: Body Image and Fitness While on Vacation
In today's episode I talk about how to navigate your wellness goals when life comes at you fast. It's OK to take a few steps back and adjust your expectations of yourself sometimes. In fact, I would argue that doing this instead of either givin...

157. Is losing the last 5-10 pounds REALLY worth it?
Is losing the last 5-10 pounds REALLY worth it? Spoiler alert!! The answer is most likely NO. I'm not here to shit on your weightloss goals BUT I am here to help you set realistic, attainable and most importantly SUSTAINABLE goals. And ...

156. The number one MISTAKE I made on my jouney to heal my HORMONES
I've made a lot of mistakes on my journey to happy hormones and I'm sharing the biggest one with you here today. Listen to this episode if you want to save yourself some time on this journey to heal your own hormones.Connect with Meg...

155. Why I'm NOT worried that the scale went up 6lbs over the holidays and why you shouldn't be either
Hey there and Happy New Year! It's so good to be back chatting with you again! It's that time of year where we're all hearing those "new year, new me" messages and everyone and their mom is determined to lose weight or "get back on...

154. Mental Health Journey - 3 months off my meds
This week's episode is short and sweet but I'm giving a quick update about my journey coming off of my depression medicine. Medicine will continue to be a tool in my toolbox that I know I can lean on when/if needed. But for now, I'm medicine fr...

153. Life update: back to school, fall schedules and staying consistent when life feels busy AF
It's that time of year again. Summer is officially in the rearview mirror, kids are back to school and fall sports are in full swing. This means LOTS of schedule changes in our family. In today's episode I share my feelings around this abrupt c...

152. Get really effing good at THIS and watch your whole life be different in a year!
We live in an Amazon Prime, instant feedback driven world and the same is true for our health. We might give something a try for a few days or even a few weeks and when we don't see immediate results, we QUIT! OR we try to do ALL the things and...

151. Lessons from my recent "Summer Shred" - what was different this time?
If you're a regular listener of the show, you know I have some pretty strong feelings about "summer shred" programs or other similar challenges that gyms will put on. So why did I decide to do the summer shred challenge at my gym? ...

150. It's OK to have body goals but I don't miss the person I was 5 or 10 years ago
Today we're talking about the gym, summer shred programs, wanting to lose weight and get back to your old self. For me, I've come to a place where I do have weight loss goals BUT I'm not attached to an actual "goal weight". I have an idea in my...

149. Hormone testing and learning to support hormone health
I got so many questions from you all after my last episode about getting my hormones tested so I thought I'd answer in a podcast episode. We're talking about how to go about getting your hormones tested as well as some resources and educa...

148. Life Update: Dutch test results, gaining FAT and losing MUSCLE!
It feels so good to be back! This episode is a bit of a part two to some earlier episodes so I'll link them below!Today we're diving into my dutch test results and my experience with gaining fat and losing muscle dispite my best efforts...

147. Reaching the other side of "anti-diet culture" the journey to fuel and move your body in ways that feel good to YOU!
I don't know about you but I have been so wrapped up in anti-diet culture content that I thought if I was offered a plate of pasta I had to eat it. Otherwise, I was "giving in to diet culture". I think I needed this particular season on m...

146. [INTERVIEW] Body positivity, destigmatizing puberty, and what you might not know about birth control with Konika Ray
Today's podcast topic is for all women but more specifically for any woman who has a young girl in her life. Whether you're a mom, aunt, big sister, cousin, school teacher, etc. We're talking about how to talk about our changing bodies, with th...