Finding Wellness

150. It's OK to have body goals but I don't miss the person I was 5 or 10 years ago

Megan Eddinger
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00:00 | 22:19

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Today we're talking about the gym, summer shred programs, wanting to lose weight and get back to your old self. For me, I've come to a place where I do have weight loss goals BUT I'm not attached to an actual "goal weight". I have an idea in my head around the weight I was when I felt strong and fast. BUT I wouldn't trade who I am today for who I was then. That person was a hangry bitch. She was full of anxiety and her coping skills were limited to spending hours doing cardio and drinking too much. I don't want to be that person and it's OK if I never see that weight again.

I hope this episode resonates with you! If it does, hit me up on Instagram and let's chat! 

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